
Throughout his career as a professional athlete, Ricky Williams was often criticized for his belief in the healing power of cannabis. In recent years, as plant-based medicine has become more of an integral part of our culture, Ricky is now viewed as a leading visionary in the movement toward a cannabis-based approach to wellness. Ricky is also becoming more well-known for his work as a holistic healer, a journey that began nearly 15 years ago after his first retirement from the NFL. Ricky has immersed himself in the study of evolutionary astrology as well as other healing modalities including Ayurvedic medicine, cranial sacral therapy, meditation, pranic healing and yoga. 

Ricky is currently pursuing his doctorate in Chinese medicine and continues to help clients around the world gain a deeper understanding of their lives through his evolutionary astrology practice. Ricky received his Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Texas.

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