Understanding Drug Policy Reform

Like cannabis, the science and public perception of psilocybin has outpaced the policies governing the substance. Although 70% of Americans support full drug decriminalization, millions of individuals, such as Veterans, lack meaningful access to substances that have been proven as safe and effective treatments for various health conditions. Worse still, many psychedelics, like psilocybin, continue to be criminalized and are classified as Schedule I Substances, imposing a whole host of consequences ranging from prison to probation.

Psychedelic Policy in the US

States as varied as Washington, Indiana, and Massachusetts have introduced psychedelic-related legislation. It is imperative that we not only make psychedelics affordable and accessible but that we eliminate the related criminal penalties and provide retroactive relief for those who have suffered the most severe consequences of our nation’s failed drug war.


Our technical expertise in crafting and passing numerous cannabis-related bills gives us the ability to learn from cannabis legalization and create policies that best serve the interests of justice and equity for all.

Decrease Stigma

Retroactive Relief

Increase Access

Protect Sovereign Rights

This is our chance to rewrite the story of legalization into one that prioritizes people before profit, one that aims to ameliorate community harms before contemplating consumer marketplaces. With your help, a better tomorrow starts today.

Current Psychedelic Research

Last Prisoner Project is currently conducting a 50-state survey to identify the populations in each state and at the federal level of individuals who are currently incarcerated, serving a term of supervision, or have a conviction based on a psychedelics-related offense. This research and assessment project to ascertain the scope of the problem of psychedelics-related criminal legal entanglement will inform LPP's state by state policy approach. To learn more about this effort or to get involved in your state contact us at


Connecticut Policy

Psychedelic Policy Summit

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