His name is Mohamed Taher. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison for selling cannabis. He has served over 7 years, despite the fact that he was operating in states that have completely legalized or decriminalized cannabis.
Mohamed has four young children he has not seen in over two years. He wants to be a part of their lives and is devastated he is missing their milestones.
Since COVID-19 hit, his wife has not been able to see him due to the federal lockdown. He has aging parents who are not in the best health condition, and desperately wants to see them again before it's too late.
He was incarcerated soon after his marriage. His wife says his incarceration has kept them from starting their own family. Not only has our "justice" system taken Mohamed's life, but it has stripped his entire family of a future.
Please make your voice heard and help us reunite Mohamed with his family.
Mohamed deserves clemency now!
The Last Prisoner Project. All rights reserved.
Last Prisoner Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization with EIN 83-4502829. Mailing address: 1312 17th St #640 Denver, CO 80202. Our governing documents and conflicts of interest policy can be found here. Our Privacy Policy can be found here.
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