The Last Prisoner Project (LPP) is a national, nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to cannabis criminal justice reform. We aim to end America’s policy of cannabis criminalization, as well as to repair the harms of this discriminatory and counterproductive crusade.
We accomplish this by focusing on three key criminal justice reform initiatives: release, record clearance, and reentry support.
Beyond release, record clearance, and reentry, we also work to get our incarcerated constituents access to resources like food, healthcare, and phone calls by helping to fund their commissary accounts.
Collectively LPP’s programs help cannabis prisoners become fully free.
Every contribution to the Last Prisoner Project helps fund our programs that make constituents "fully free". Donations also ensure we can work to pursue systemic reform through our policy and advocacy initiatives. Gifts to the Last Prisoner Project are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law. You can access our proof of tax exempt status here.
Donations can be made online via credit card or bank transfer at this
link or by check mailed to 1312 17th Street Suite 640 Denver, CO 80202.
At LPP we firmly believe that every corporate organization has a responsibility to give back to their community and to social justice efforts. This is particularly true if your business is part of the regulated cannabis industry–we believe you have an ethical obligation to help right the injustice that is thousands of people in prison for doing what you are now doing legally to build wealth. We have two main ways interested companies can donate to the Last Prisoner Project’s mission.
Job and internship opportunities will be posted to our
Idealist account.
To sign up to receive more information about volunteer opportunities at LPP fill out our
volunteer application form.
If you are an attorney or paralegal and would like to join our network of pro bono attorneys you can sign up through the Cannabis Justice Initiative homepage.
You can find a wealth of resources to keep you informed and involved on the Take Action part of our website. And please be sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media to get updates directly from the team.
Every day at LPP we are fighting for the "full freedom" of every last person in prison for unjust cannabis laws. Fully free means we fight for legalization, the release of prisoners, the removal of cannabis crimes from their records, and training for a successful reentry into society. We want to ensure that our constituents are not just released, but fully freed from prison and the collateral harm done by unjust cannabis laws.
The first step is releasing those still incarcerated on cannabis-related offenses.
Our direct service programs include our pro bono legal services, where we work to secure freedom through executive clemency or compassionate release motions. Learn more
LPP has recently partnered with the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers to launch the Cannabis Justice Initiative, which is one of our biggest efforts to help facilitate clemency, compassionate release, and expungement for individuals with cannabis-related convictions. Learn more about the initiative
Our reentry resources are focused on ensuring that our constituents have the tools and support they need when coming home from incarceration. This includes financial support for things like housing, transportation, and medical needs, employability skills and training, and financial wellness counseling.
Along with our general reentry resources, we also offer scholarship opportunities for our constituents interested in pursuing careers in the now legal cannabis industry through virtual and in-person classes and training.
Learn more
A portion of LPP's funding goes directly to the children of our currently incarcerated constituents who are particularly in need of financial assistance for educational resources while their parent is incarcerated. Learn more
The media and socio-cultural environment in which elected officials, policymakers and community leaders make decisions play a major role in shaping the outcome of individual cases—as well as the scope and scale of drug policy reform on the local, state, tribal and federal levels. Our advocacy campaigns use the faces and stories of individuals negatively impacted by cannabis prohibition to help to shape this broader media and cultural environment.
Individual advocacy campaigns are never concepted and/or published without the explicit consent of our constituents and, when appropriate, their legal counsel.
In order to help change the narrative about criminal justice in America, LPP produces reports, commentary and shareable content that explore the sordid history behind our nation’s drug policies. We also provide research and recommendations to assist advocates and policymakers in the critically important work of criminal justice and drug policy reform.
We also work to advance drug policy reforms and address the collateral consequences of incarceration for all American communities by getting involved in the drafting and implementation of cannabis-related statutes on the local, state, and federal level.
To learn more about our policy positions, efforts and initiatives, please click
While Last Prisoner Project is supportive of efforts to help ensure individuals from communities disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition have equitable access to employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in the regulated cannabis market, our work only sees us focus on the criminal justice-related implications of cannabis policy (policing, courts, incarceration, etc.).
For those looking to learn more about the social equity issue, and/or support nonprofits who are focused on advancing social equity provisions, we recommend that you check out organizations like the
Minority Cannabis Business Association and
Minorities for Medical Marijuana.
We aim to provide legal representation to people currently incarcerated on cannabis-related charges (that are not defined as “crimes of violence”).
LPP evaluates each request for representation on a case-by-case basis and considers referrals holistically. Our constituents tend to be low-income people facing issues that require legal assistance, and we prioritize referrals that come from community sources (including but not limited to community centers, schools, churches, veterans’ centers, libraries, shelters, and community centers).
Pending capacity and freedom from legal conflicts, we work to offer assistance to as many folks as we possibly can.
We work with each constituent to identify their needs and develop a plan to address the challenges—legal, social and/or economic—they’re currently facing. In many cases, we provide supplementary legal advice and/or legal representation. Through the Cannabis Justice Initiative we match constituents in need of legal representation with pro bono counsel. Through our Reentry Resources we work to assist our constituents coming home and their families with financial resources, access to employment, record clearance, and early termination of supervised release.
The Last Prisoner Project. All rights reserved.
Last Prisoner Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization with EIN 83-4502829. Mailing address: 1312 17th St #640 Denver, CO 80202. Our governing documents and conflicts of interest policy can be found here. Our Privacy Policy can be found here.
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